Rainwater Harvesting and Reuse Report

June 2020

This report, in collaboration with Seattle 2030 District and The Boeing Corporation, presents the ecosystem benefits of green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) solutions. While the benefits are many, they are not without their own challenges, including capital vs. operating budgets and a current lack of incentives. However, the case for rainwater reuse is strong - including the added ecosystem benefits of:

  • Improved Water Filtration & Retention

  • Increased Habitat

  • Urban Heat Island Reduction

  • Improved Air Quality

  • Flood Mitigation

  • Increased Mental Health

Earth Economics collaborated with the Seattle 2030 Districts to develop a tool for property owners in Seattle to calculate the return-on-investment from investing in water capture and reuse systems. The calculator takes into account building square footage, water use, estimated capture capacity, and reuse potential along with the best current available data for incentives and water rates. It also makes initial assumptions on storage and reuse potential based on your building characteristics and water use breakdown. The tool will be used with members and other stakeholders to explore the potential for reuse without investing significant dollars in project discovery.

View interactive calculator